
  • On the left side of the panel, in the Administrators option on All, you can create Administrators manually, block and edit any information regarding Administrators.

  1. Allows you to add a new Administrator, add information like name, email, LOB, status and password.
  2. Allows you to activate the administrators you select.
  3. Allows you to block the Administrators you select.
  4. Allows you to delete the Administrators you select.
  5. Allows you to search for the administrator by name or keyword.
  6. Allows you to view the Administrator’s name, email, the date it was created, the status (if active or blocked) and under actions we have icons for (edit, block and delete a specific administrator).
    – Under the Administrator option on Blocked, Allows you to select the Administrator and block him

  • Under the Administrator option on Add New, allows you to create a new administrator manually.

  1. Fill in the Administrator first name
  2. Fill in the Administrator last name.
  3. Fill the Administrator email
  4. Indicates the line of business which the Administrator is associated.
  5. Change Administrator status between (Active or Blocked).
  6. Fill or change password.
  7. Fill in or change password confirmation.

Pressing update creates or updates the Administrator account.

  • Under the Administrator option on Envite, allows you to invite a user by email to be an Administrator.

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