
  • At the end of the left side of the panel there are settings, where you can define the company logo, configure the emails where 7AM notifications will be sent

  1. Selecting this option allows Menagers associated with the distribution list or email in the field below to receive the 7:00 AM message immediately.
  2. Selecting this option allows Menagers associated with the distribution list or email in the field below to receive the 7:00 AM message Hourly.
  3. This field is where you fill in the Managers’ email or distribution list so that they can receive the 7:00 AM message.
  4. This option allows you to upload your company’s Light logo.
  5. This option allows you to delete the company logo.
  6. This option allows you to upload the company’s Dark logo.
  7. This option allows you to delete the company logo.

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